Burnside Basics
Here are our basic rules that we expect of all students. Feel free to have a read and ask us if you have any questions using the contact us section.
During lessons...
We start lessons with the expected equipment; pen, pencil, ruler, PE kit.
We always wear the correct uniform without being asked
We work collaboratively in learning pairs and groups
We demonstrate PRIDE in all of our work
We demonstrate mutual respect with staff and other learners
We put away our headphones when in class and moving around school.
We demonstrate grown up habits for toilet breaks and water breaks during the day
We complete all tasks to the best of our ability demonstrating our commitment to our learning
We are aware of our learning starting points and rise to challenges set to move our learning forward and achieve
We do not eat, drink or chew in lessons (drinking water is acceptable with the teacher’s permission)
Outside of lessons...
We arrive at school on time
We arrive at all lessons on time and ready for learning
We move sensibly around the school
We show respect at all times, responding politely to all instructions and requests
We do not eat or drink as we move around the building or between lessons
We do not chew gum in school
We demonstrate PRIDE in our homework
We show respect for our school by putting all litter in the bins and not damaging property