Transition 2025
We are delighted to welcome you all to Burnside's Transition Portal, which aims to provide all the information students and parents need when moving from primary school to joining our community.
Welcome to Burnside College
We are so glad that you have chosen to be with us next year, and we are proud to support you during your years at Burnside College. We look forward to working with you, helping you settle into our school, and guiding you through your time at Burnside College.
Our role in school is devoted to making your time at our wonderful school safe, enjoyable, successful, and most importantly, happy.
Starting Burnside College is your chance to make a fresh start and carry on your successes from primary school. Our aim is that you and your family share our high expectations of attendance, behaviour, willingness to try new subjects, participation in extra-curricular activities, and having resilience when you find something tricky.
You will have lots of different teachers during the school day and will be learning many interesting new subjects. This will be one of the biggest differences between
Burnside College and your primary school. We hope that you can be brave and not be afraid of trying new things, learning new topics, making new friends, and getting involved in the many extra-curricular clubs that run at the school.
In short we expect the following:
Pride - be proud of who you are, the work you produce, the way you behave and that at the end of each day you can go home and carry that pride with you.
Respect - you are going to meet a lot of new people both students from other schools and staff; show them all respect and treat people how you would like to be treated throughout your time at Burnside.
Achievement - you will be given so many opportunities at Burnside to succeed and we expect you to take these fully, with a can do attitude, never giving up and becoming part of our wonderful school community.